Overview of the SCPI Command Structure
Example Programs
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
• Connects generators and analyzers to one port each.
The number of generators (aGenCnt) and the list of generators
(aGenerators) are used to create an input port with the required
number of terminals. The terminals are connected to the generator
channels, starting at terminal 1.
Number and list of analyzers (aAnaCnt and aAnalyzers) are used to
create and connect output port and terminals.
This step only makes sense for this example. In real life you know
the number of terminals and ports required by the DUT and set up
the Agilent 81250 accordingly.
• Switches on all generator and analyzer ports, and applies levels and
• Imports segment data from the file walk64.txt.
• Sets the period.
• Sets up a sequence that uses the imported segment.
First the number of available loop levels is determined (depending
on the clock module used).
The highest loop level is used to set up an infinite loop. The
imported segment is used as data for the sequence.
The start of the sequencer is used to generate a trigger signal at the
trigger output.
• Sets measurement mode to “compare and acquire around error”
• Saves the setting for later use.
• Starts the measurement.
• Waits until the measurement is done (only works online).
• Stops the measurement.
• Exports the captured data and the error memory.
This demonstrates how the :EDIT:SEGMent(*) subsystem can be
used to handle captured data.
First, the segments are opened and information on the coding used
for the captured data is queried. Then the captured data are printed
trace by trace.
Finally, the segments are saved, exported, and closed.
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