Main.cpp Application Code
Example Code
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
int aErrMem;
sscanf(aResult, “%d”, &aErrMem);
// get pattern width
sprintf(aCmd, “edit:segm%d:patt:widt?”, aCapture);
h.Call(aCmd, aResult);
int aWidth;
sscanf(aResult, “%d”, &aWidth);
// get pattern length
sprintf(aCmd, “edit:segm%d:patt:leng?”, aCapture);
h.Call(aCmd, aResult);
int aLength;
sscanf(aResult, “%d”, &aLength);
// get Coding
sprintf(aCmd, “edit:segm%d:patt:cod?”, aCapture);
h.Call(aCmd, aResult);
// write information we got so far:
fprintf(fp, “Analyzer.%d: Coding <%s>,
Width %d, Length %d\n”,
aAnaPort, aResult, aWidth, aLength);
// get some data, but assure that we will not overflow our
// small result-buffer
// to make it human readable, we get the data as a hex-string
if (aLength > 10) aLength = 10;
if (aLength > 0)
sprintf(aCmd, “edit:segm%d:patt:data? 0,0,%d,%d,HEX”,
aCapture, aWidth-1, aLength-1);
h.Call(aCmd, aResult);
fprintf(fp, “Analyzer.%d: %s\n”, aAnaPort, aResult);
// extract the vectors and print as ‘0’ and ‘1’ to fp
// get vector data as definite length block
sprintf(aCmd, “edit:segm%d:patt:data? 0,0,%d,%d,BIN”,
aCapture, aWidth-1, aLength-1);
h.Call(aCmd, aResult);
// extract raw data from definite length block
// a definite length block looks like
// #dlllllbbbbbbbb
// where d is the number of length digits l
// then length binary bytes b are following
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