Overview of the SCPI Command Structure
SCPI Commands Overview
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
Segment Editing Commands
“:<Handle>:MMEMory:SETTing:LOAD” on page 95
Loads the current setting or a specified setting into the Agilent
81250 System’s database.
“:<Handle>:MMEMory:SETTing:SAVE” on page 95
Saves changes either into the current setting or into a new setting.
“:<Handle>:MMEMory:SETTing:NEW” on page 96
Performs a reset and creates an “untitled” segment.
“:<Handle>:MMEMory:SETTing:DELete” on page 96
Deletes a specified setting from the Agilent 81250 System’s
“:DVT:MMEMory:SETTing:IMPort” on page 75
Allows to import a setting into the Agilent 81250 System.
“:SETTing:IMPort:DVT:MMEMory:SETTing:EXPort” on page 74
Exports a setting into a newly created file.
“:DVT:MMEMory:SETTing:EXPort?” on page 74
Returns the setting data that would normally be written to a file.
Command (Link to detailed description)
Command (Link to detailed description)
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):CREate?” on page 100
Creates a new segment.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent:OPEN?” on page 98
Opens the specified segment.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):SAVE” on page 99
Saves the changes made to the current segment name, or cre-
ates a new segment name.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):CLOSe” on page 103
Closes the segment editor specified by the segment inspector in-
dex number without saving possible changes made to the cur-
rent segment name.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):DELete” on page 100
Deletes the specified segment.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):EXISts?” on page 101
Checks whether the specified segment name is located in the
Agilent 81250 System’s database.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):RPATh?” on page 102
Returns the absolute path for one segment.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):PATTern:CODing?” on page 107
Returns the segments coding.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):PATTern:CODing” on page 106
Sets a segment’s coding.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):PATTern:ERRor:FIRSt?” on page 107
Returns the coordinates (trace, vector) of the first found error.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):PATTern:ERRor:NEXT?” on page 108
Returns the coordinates (trace, vector) of the first found error,
starting at the given coordinates.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):PATTern:ERRor:PREVious?” on page 108
Returns the coordinates (trace, vector) of the first found error,
starting at the given coordinates, searching backwards.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):PATTern:FIND:FIRSt?” on page 109
Returns the coordinates (trace, vector) of the first found instance
of the given pattern.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):PATTern:FIND:NEXT?” on page 111
Returns the coordinates (trace, vector) of the first found instance
of the given pattern, starting at the given coordinates.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):PATTern:FIND:PREVious?” on page 111
Returns the coordinates (trace, vector) of the first found instance
of the given pattern, starting at the given coordinates, searching
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):PATTern:DATA” on page 103
Creates a state range and fills it with the required pattern.
“:<Handle>:EDIT:SEGMent(*):PATTern:DATA?” on page 104
Returns from the segment inspector the vector stream bounded
by the specified rectangle.
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