Overview of the SCPI Command Structure
SCPI Commands Overview
Agilent 81250 Parallel Bit Error Ratio Tester, Programming Reference, March 2006
Optical Output Commands
The following table lists the commands available for pulse and data
ports. The commands are available at port, terminal, and connector
Command (Link to detailed description)
“:OUTPut:OPTic[:STATe][:VALue]” on page 281
Enables/disables the laser on the E/O converter.
“:OUTPut:OPTic[:STATe][:VALue]?” on page 282
Queries the state of the laser on the E/O converter.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:METHod[:VALue]” on page 283
Defines the method used for setting optical power values.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:METHod[:VALue]?” on page 283
Queries the currently used method for setting optical power
“:OUTPut:OPTic:POWer:UNIT[:VALue]” on page 284
Sets the unit for all power parameters of the selected optical
output connector, port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:POWer:UNIT[:VALue]?” on page 284
Queries the unit for all power parameters of the selected optical
output connector, port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:POWer:AVERage[:VALue]” on page 285
Sets the average power of the selected optical output connector,
port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:POWer:AVERage[:VALue]?” on page 285
Queries the average power of the selected optical output
connector, port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:POWer:MAMPlitude[:VALue]” on page 286
Sets the modulation of the selected optical output connector,
port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:POWer:MAMPlitude[:VALue]?” on page 287
Queries the modulation amplitude of the selected optical output
connector, port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:POWer:HIGH[:VALue]” on page 287
Sets the high power of the selected optical output connector,
port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:POWer:HIGH[:VALue]?” on page 288
Queries the high power of the selected optical output connector,
port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:POWer:LOW[:VALue]” on page 288
Sets the low power of the selected optical output connector,
port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:POWer:LOW[:VALue]?” on page 289
Queries the low power of the selected optical output connector,
port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:ERATio[:VALue]” on page 289
Sets the extinction ratio of the selected optical output connector,
port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:ERATio[:VALue]?” on page 290
Queries the extinction ratio of the selected optical output
connector, port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:ERATio:UNIT[:VALue]” on page 290
Sets the unit used for the extinction ratio of the selected optical
output connector, port, or terminal.
“:OUTPut:OPTic:ERATio:UNIT[:VALue]?” on page 291
Queries the unit used for the extinction ratio of the selected
optical output connector, port, or terminal.
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