IM 704510-01E
Save Destination Storage Medium
Statistics calculation results can be saved to the following three types of storage
Floppy disk
PC card (when the number of partitions is 1)
CA0-1: PC card (when the number of partitions is 2 or more)
Network drive
Data Type and Extension
The data is saved to a file in CSV format with .csv extension. The data cannot be
recalled on the TA720.
Data Size
• When in time stamp mode
Statistical values of the histogram:
Approx. 11 KB maximum
Statistical values of time variation (no block sampling): Approx. 1 KB maximum
Statistical values of time variation (block sampling):
Approx. 120 KB maximum
• When in hardware histogram mode:
Approx. 11 KB maximum
• When in inter-symbol interference analysis mode: Approx. 6 KB maximum
Entering a File Name or a Comment
• Enter a file name using up to 8 characters. Enter a comment using up to 25
• A file name must be assigned. Comments are optional.
• You cannot save to a file name that already exists in the same directory (overwriting
not allowed).
• The file name is common with other saved data, except the extension.
Auto Naming Function
When Auto Naming is turned ON, files with a three digit number from 000 to 499 are
automatically created when saving the data. You can specify a common name (up to
five characters, TA720 by default) that is placed before the number.
Lists the file size, saved date/time, attribute, and comment of the file.
Saving of statistical calculation results is not possible while measurement is in progress (while
the START/STOP indicator is illuminated).
When renaming a file (see section 11.9), you can specify the name using up to 25 characters.
However, if the number of characters excluding the extension exceeds 8, only the first 7
characters and the extension are displayed as in TA72000>.SET. The file name can be
confirmed using properties.
11.6 Saving the Statistical Calculation Results