Specify the following settings if you want to use a controller to set information that can be
set using the front panel keys on the GS820 or if you want to transmit the setup data or
output waveform data to the controller.
Selecting the Baud Rate
Select from the values below.
9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
Selecting the Data Length
Select the data length from below.
8 bits or 7 bits
Selecting the Parity Bit
Select the parity bit from the following:
None (no parity), Even, or Odd
Selecting the Stop Bits
Select the stop bits from the following:
1 bit or 2 bits
Selecting the Handshaking Method
Select the transmit data control and receive data control from the following:
None, XON, or CTS-RTS
Selecting the Terminator
On the GS820 menu, select the terminator that is used when transmitting data from the
GS820 from the following:
CR, LF, or CR+LF
The GS820 handles any of the characters CR, LF, and CR+LF as a terminator when
receiving data.
<<Corresponding Command Mnemonic>>
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:BAUDrate 9600|14400|19200|38400|57600|115200
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:DELNgth 7|8
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:SBITs 1|2
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:RS232:TERMinator CR|LF|CRLF
IM 765601-01E
15.4 Setting the RS-232 Interface