CG635 Synthesized Clock Generator
10. Press the ‘FREQ’ key in the DISPLAY section to display the current frequency.
The seven segment display should show 5.000000000 MHz.
11. Press the ‘STEP SIZE’ key in the MODIFY section of the front panel. The
display should now show 1.000 Hz, and the STEP LED should be lit. This
indicates that the current step size for frequency is 1.000 Hz.
12. Change the frequency step size to 1 kHz by pressing the following keys
sequentially in the ENTRY section of the front panel: ‘1’, ‘kHz’. The display
should now show 1.000000 kHz.
13. Switch back to the frequency display be pressing the ‘STEP SIZE’ key again.
The STEP LED should turn off, and the display should show the current
frequency of 5.000000000 MHz. The digit corresponding to 1 kHz should be
blinking, indicating that frequency steps will change that digit by one.
14. Step the frequency up by 1 kHz by pressing the MODIFY
key. The frequency
should now display 5.001000000 MHz.
15. For more details about the operation of keys on the front panel, see the Front
Panel Overview (page 2) in the Introduction.
16. For more details about a particular feature, see the chapter Operation (page 13).