GasLab Q2 displays and operating the device
GasLab Q2
G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
Page 57 of 135
7.2.3 Error List main display
The device manages the warning and alarm messages in this list
and logs them in the logbook. Which warning and alarm messages
occur in detail depend on the parameterization of the device. The
list is behind this icon
After the opening, the list is "frozen" to avoid re-sorting the entries. Errors
can only be acknowledged / accepted and removed if this is in accordance
with the previously defined acceptance procedure, see chapter 8.
The list is sorted in ascending order by date and time. The last event before opening the display
is at the top. Primarily, all entries (alarms / warnings) that are currently pending or waiting for
acceptance are shown. The events are identified as follows
< black font color>
Message or signal type
<yellow font color>
Message or signal type
<red font color>
Message or signal type
Figure 7.14: Display and kind of errors
The following figure explains the details of the display
Figure 7.15:
Display Error List Main display
Filter selection
. In the first line, you can select by using the drop-down list to show only errors
from selected device parts
Accept all
Displayed no longer actual errors have been accepted at once. Accepted errors are
removed from the error list. Messages which are pending or filtered were retained
Area for displaying errors
: The beginning of the error is displayed on the left side and the end (if
usable) on the right side. In the next line the the relevant message is listed. (If more than 2 events are
included in the list, scrolling can be performed. (Yellow diamond at the right edge)
button for refreshing the display" The directly after their opening "held" Error List can
Link to Logbook display:
With "
" a change to the "
Error List Logbook
" is possible
See chapter 7.2.6