GasLab Q2 displays and operating the device
GasLab Q2
G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
Page 91 of 135
7.4.4 Accept and removal of event-related display texts
The error list (see chapter 7.2.3) shows all alarms and warnings that are either currently pending
or have already gone but have not yet been acknowledged. It is sorted chronologically, the most
recent message is displayed first. If more messages are contained than can be displayed at once,
appears at the right edge of the scroll bar.
Acceptance procedure
Entries in the error list must be acknowledged (see the following steps). In the
delivery state, this is only possible if the cause of the entry has been corrected.
The acknowledgment behavior can be changed by enSuite. Please proceed as
described in chapter 8
Steps to accept clear error list
Navigate to the
Error List Main Display
and open this list.
(Activate: Home
-> Error List
To accept only messages of a certain piece of software from the list, open the filter drop-down list
and use the corresponding entry in the list of
to update the list which is held / fixed directly after opening. (Number in behind =
Number of new messages)
Activate the action
Accept all
and the selected list will be acknowledged according to the configured
acceptance procedure and updated..
If necessary, repeat these steps for additional display texts of other pieces of software
Errors can only be accepted and removed if this is consistent with the previously
established acceptance procedure.
You may need the appropriate rights. Details for acceptance procedure are given
in the enSuite online help, (
see chapter 8)
After all messages have been accepted, the system is again in the error-free state and the status LED will
light green
. From the display of the erroe list you can jump directly to the logbook display with the
. The logbook also logs the coming and going of all messages (alarms and
warnings). It has archive character. Each entry is assigned an order number. The entries removed
from the error list can be found here.