GasLab Q2 displays and operating the device
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G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
GasLab Q2
7.3.5 Entries and changes via device-displays
Changes via device-displays are always done in the following steps:
Login to the device
Perform changes / modifications and accept / confirm them.
Logout from device
The Login and Logout is done on the “Users Main display“.
chapter 7.3.6. The Accept procedure for parameter changes is done
there too.
Changeable values are highlighted in white boxes, the editable fields. These
editable fields appear depending on the login status and given rights.
Changes only taken over and stored if the user explicitly accepted them. If
the user logs out before or is logged out by another event without
confirming, changes already made are discarded.
Entries and changes can be made using either a drop-down list or on an inserted keypad.
Changes with the help of a drop-down list
A drop-down list is recognized on the small gray box with triangle next to the value to be
changed. The view changes after activation in the following way.
Figure 7.54: Drop-down list opened
The drop-down list is opened and gives the available values. The up and down arrows on the
right margin (in the red boxes) now make it possible to select a value from the drop-down list.
The selection made is grayed out (in the example 2015).
After a user action a confirmation with the keys
, is required.
you accept the changes, with
you discard the changes.