Operation and parameter setting on the PC with enSuite
GasLab Q2
G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
Page 103 of 135
8.3.1 Change device parameterization offline (Offline-Parameterization)
Prerequisite: The parameter-file was read as described in chapter 8.1.3 and is opened in the
navigation window by double-clicking. The parameterization window is shown. The Online Help
gives more information about this window.
Do not use parameterizations for archiving or backup purpus to make
changes because you will lose the original content. Instead, always read out
a parameterization for changing purposes according to chapter 8.1.3.
This parameterization is done in the following steps:
Modify and save the existing device parameterization.
Transfer changed parameterization in the device
All parameters to be processed are subject to the restrictions of the user
management and can be changed only with appropriate authorization and
position of the SSW (security switch).
The parameterization is edited in the parameterization window (see following figures) of enSuite.
online help
gives details about this window.
On the left side of the parameterization window, the software components are displayed. After
selecting and unfolding of a block, the corresponding parameters are displayed in the tab
“Parameters” on the right side of the parameterization window.
Depending on the situation, the values of parameters can be freely changed or there is a selection
list with the appropriate options. Similarly, some functions are switched on and off by using a
check box.
See the following examples:
Figure 8.9: Example left and right part of the parameterization window