Operation and parameter setting on the PC with enSuite
GasLab Q2
G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
Page 107 of 135
8.3.4 Change automatic operational calibration
To ensure measurement accuracy, Q2 is calibrated with a base calibration in the factory prior to
delivery and further checked and corrected during operation. This is ensured by the automatic
operational calibration once a week and an annual service calibration.
With the factory settings and the settings in place during commissioning,
the operational calibration runs without additional intervention
“Calibration” appears on the first line of display during this
operation. It takes a few minutes.
A prerequisite for automatic operational calibraiton is that the operational calibration gas (mixture
of m CO2) is permanently connected to the device and is present at sufficient pressure.
The calibration starts with a flushing time of the calibration gas (Step: flushing), which ensures
that the device is only filled with calibration gas. After completing the operational calibration, the
device automatically switches back to the process gas and continues (after process gas flushing)
with the measurement.
During commissioning, the flushing times and components of the
calibration gas must be adjusted
Most operating scenarios are met with the factory settings. Nevertheless, it may be necessary to
customize some parameters. For example, the exact composition of the calibration gas mixture
must be checked with enSuite (or on the device) according to manufacturer's certificate of analysis
and, if necessary, modified. Similarly, the preset flushing times must be adapted to local
conditions. Change the settings with the guidance in the ensuite online help and chapter 7.3.5.
The device also offers other possibilities to modify the automatic operational calibration e.g.
change the day and time of the calibration. To do this, change the parameters with enSuite,
according to the instructions in the online help.
Changing the time-controlled trigger (interval, day, time) of factory settings
e.g. the measurement is done using two redundant devices, otherwise
during calibration both devices do not get new measurement results.
It may be useful to start an automatic operational calibration at certain
events e.g. after a reboot or when an input signal is triggered.
If the calibration fails, an error message prompts the user to initiate action,
for example, new base calibration or repair if necessary. The parameters of
the last successful calibration remain in use. If you can’t resolve this error,
please contact Elster GmbH.
Changes by using enSuite are usually simpler to do, than the device on site.
To start operational calibration manual, proceed as described in chapter
7.3.3 . More Information about service calibration, see chapter 9