Measurement concept of GasLab Q2
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G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
GasLab Q2
3 Measurement concept of GasLab Q2
3.1 Description of main features
The Elster GasLab Q2 is a real-time natural gas analyzser. It determines the calorific value,
Wobbe index and other parameters in natural gas. The applications of the device range from fiscal
energy metering to measurement, control and regulation.
One major application is control of the gas turbine of power plants to optimize efficiency, pollutant
emissions and system load with fluctuating gas qualities. Another application is gas blending for
managing the gas specifications in transportation.
The flameless device quickly, continuously, and safely measures gas quality. The correlative
measuring principle of the GasLab Q2 is based on the determination of the infrared absorption
and thermal conductivity of the gas to be analyzed.
The GasLab Q2 is designed to operate in many hazardous areas and wide ambient temperature
ranges. This simplifies installation and allows the analyzer to be placed close to the process
supporting a short response time.
In measurement mode, the gas quality calculations are updated every second. To minimize gas
transport delays between the sample tap and GasLab Q2, a bypass flow meter is integrated into
the housing.
Routine calibration is performed automatically at a user-programmed time and day, using a simple
binary mixture.
The analyzer has gas connections for sample gas, calibration gas, measurement (sensor) outlet
and (optional used) bypass outlet. Electrical connections for power and I/O communications are
conveniently accessible in the top housing.
The measured values are communicated via Modbus protocol and analog outputs. Modbus is
available through two serial ports and the Ethernet interface.
Additionally it is possible to connect external signals to monitor contact closures, e.g. low pressure
limit of calibration gas cylinder.
The integrated interactive display, with touch functionality, shows the measurement values and
operating conditions of the analyzer.
The analyzer can be operated via the touch panel or by using a web browser connected to the
device. Archives such as error lists and logbook are intregrated. Furthermore, signal and message
warnings can be generated.
In addition, the computer software enSuite can be used for configuration, data display and
management of the records.
The basic specifications and further information
See chapter 10
and by consulting the type plates and metering ranges on the device.