GasLab Q2 displays and operating the device
Page 86 of
G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
GasLab Q2
7.4 Announcement of events
7.4.1 LEDs over the interactive display
Check the LEDs. The colors of these LEDs indicate the working status of the
device. Working properly or disturbed by an event now or in the past.
Above the interactive display, two multicolour LEDs are placed: Left the Power-LED and right the
Status-LED. In
the “Remote operation panel”, the two LEDs are shown as a graphic illustration.
The Power-LED
LED Condition
Power off; no connection possible
Green, continuous light
Power on, connection possible
The Status LED
LED Condition
Power off; no connection possible
Green, flashing
Start-up phase after a power supply is switched on
Green, continuous light
The device's legally relevant functionalities are running error-free, i.e. there
are no pending or unacknowledged alarms or warnings in the eror list.
A red or yellow Status-LED indicates that there is a pending or non-acknowledged error type
alarm or type warning. The Status-LED indicates the errort condition as follows (in priority
LED Condition
Red, flashing
The Error List contains at least one pending and unacknowledged alarm.
Yellow, flashing
The Error List contains at least one pending and unacknowledged warning.
Red, continuous light
The Error List contains at least one alarm that already is gone; it has not
yet been accepted.
Yellow, continuous light
The Error List contains at least one warning that already is gone; it has not
yet been accepted.
Device Problems: Elster GmbH offers services and assistance in
troubleshooting and repair or replacement of non-functioning parts. The
contact details are on page 3 of this operating instructions