Operation and parameter setting on the PC with enSuite
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G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
GasLab Q2
8.4.3 Set time-related values and actions in the Time Service SFB
Apart from the date and time you set any other time-related values and timed actions in the
Service SFB
as device parameterization. The online help provides information about the
necessary parameters to adapt.
The system time can be compared against highly accurate time server via the
network of Q2 using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). Proceed according to
the instructions in the online help in order to use this function.
In the export value window, the SFB provides timed events of the type signal.
System - Time Service - time events
. Q2 generates these events on the basis of the system
time and the (parameterised) days beginning. They can be used as input signals for time-
controlled actions in other SFBs or AFBs.
For more information about the using and setting of Time Controlled Actions
or Time events, see the Time Service SFB in online help.
8.4.4 User profile management
The Super user of the profile has the right to manage the other users of the profile, which means,
he can add new users, delete existing ones, or change user names. To do this, the required
parameterization is opened offline and the user profile in branch
users - user management
selected. On the
User list
tab, all users are listed. In the Profile name field, you can enter a
meaningful name for the user profile, for example, company or location. This name is uses in the
folder name of user management.
The remaining steps for creating and deleting users are specified in
the online help. Press F1 to access it
To change the name of a user, select the desired name in the list and click on
the dialog
Edit user
appears. Enter a permissible change in the dialog box, note the hint in the dialog. As
soon as your input is allowed, enSuite will activate the [OK] button and you can close your change
by clicking on it. The old password is deleted as as indicated in the warning. The changed user is
stored with an empty password in the parameterization.
Before Input
After Input
Figure 8.16: Edit user dialog