Commissioning and decommissioning
Page 44 of
G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
GasLab Q2
6.3 Decommissioning
Without external power supply nor from the backup battery, data will be lost
(e.g. archived data, device time setting) The device will not start correctly
without support from Elster GmbH.
Please proceed in the following order if you want decommissioning the GasLab Q2 and reuse it
later in another location:
Steps for decommissioning
Turn off the power supply and secure it against turning back on.
Make sure the supply to any communication port is also terminated.
Turn all gas flows from (process gas / calibration gas). Also prevent the accidental
opening of the valves by way of suitable measures.
Let the device cool down to ambient temperature and disconnect all gas lines and
immediately close all outputs and inputs with plugs to prevent water from penetrating or
dirt getting into the Q2
Open the connection box in a non hazardous area and remove supply cables of power
an communication (unscrew calble glands or cut cable if sealed). Dismantle the device
Observe the instructions on storage or disposal, regardless of whether you have carried
out all the steps above.
Devices that are stored after decommissioning must basically be stored like
new devices.
We recommend replacing the battery with a new one if the Q2 has not been
supplied with voltage for more than 1 year. After two years without voltage
supply the battery charge is less than 20% and an exchange by the Elster
service personnel is required. After 3 years of the battery is completely
Please contact Elster GmbH if you want to store the device longer.
Elster, being the manufacturer, will take care of proper disposal of the device once the operational life
Send the Q2 to the following address:
Elster GmbH
Steinern Straße 19
D - 55252 Mainz-Kastel Germany
If you don’t want to send the device back, the applicable laws for the disposal
of industrial waste must be strictly observed!