GasLab Q2 displays and operating the device
GasLab Q2
G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
Page 73 of 135
Working steps for manual operational calibration
Activate “
” in line
Operational calibration
If you are sure that the calibration gas
(gas 1) can be supplied properly,
ctivate “
Figure 7.43:
Operational Calibration gas 1 Confirm
Calibration now runs automatically. The
Warning “
Operational Calibration
” is active
during calibration time. First the device is
flushed with calibration gas, this is indicated.
The duration of the task is also displayed.
Figure 7.44: Q2 Calibration progress
Flushing calibration gas
Thereafter, operational calibration gas is
measured. The duration of this process will
also be displayed again.
Figure 7.45:
Q2 Calibration progress Gas 1
If you decide to cancel early, you can end the operational calibration from point 5. To do
select "
Cancel or Break
”. The device will now interrupt the calibration process and
prompts you to confirm the cancellation. After "
" is aktivated the device is purged
with process gas and returns to the normal operating state.
Figure 7.46: Q2 Manual calibration ready
After expiry of the indicated time, the
calibration is completed. The analysis
operation will continue with measurement.
This is indicated by the status line.
Activate the now shown "
Main display
button in order to see current analysis
values.of normal operation
The measurement outputs will hold (freze) the last valid gas properties
values during the hole calibration time.
The parameters for the last valid calibration will be used until a new valid
calibration is performed.
“Calibration step failed” is displayed on the device and documented in the
"Error List". If necessary, please contact Elster GmbH in order to take
appropriate measures, e.g. a base calibration.