Maintenance and repair
GasLab Q2
G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
Page 117 of 135
9 Maintenance and repair
To ensure long-term use of the device, a regular weekly operational calibration (see chapter 8), a yearly
service calibration with maintenance / cleaning and if required a repair is necessary.
The Elster GmbH recommends to document carrying out of service calibrations,
maintenance work and the operation history.
9.1 Maintenance
Maintenance consists of a review of the entire system, and preventive inspections. Check according to
the steps below the possible range of consumables and the event of unusual damage which has occurred
since the time of installation and commissioning. The regular maintenance interval is 1 year. However,
this monitoring can also be performed more frequently independently in order to detect deviations early.
The regulations on explosion protection
(for example, according to IEC EN 60079-14) has to be observed.
Additional the operator must check all safety installations regularly to ensure their
correct function if nessesary independend from the maintenance work.
Working steps
Check the device and area around (gas connections, gas lines) with a methane detector, if leaking shut
off gas supply and seal leaks. If not possible, please inform the Elster GmbH:
Check the battery capacity on the
display “
Device Monitor
”, if this is more than 50%, the battery can be
used for another year. In the case of less than 20% inform Elster GmbH for battery replacement.
Check the device for damage and loose parts. Please inform Elster GmbH if parts are damaged.
Tighten the loose parts. Use existing fix systems (screw locking device) e.g. at the connection box.
Monitor the vent line / breather. No contamination or clogging, if any, clean or inform Elster GmbH.
Do not pour or spray water or cleansers in the breather system!
Check fluid connections and electrical cables, to see if they are undamaged, if not replace damaged
components. If not possible or spare parts are required, please inform Elster GmbH.
Check the connection box (unscrew the cover. Observe the explosion protection!) The inside is
undamaged, there are no loose wires, if not replace erroneous components and connect wires
according to the wiring diagram. All unused openings shall be closed or closed.
If this is not possible or if spare parts are required, please inform Elster GmbH.
Read cylinder pressure of the calibration gas at the pressure gauge. Note: You can use the cylinder until
to a minimum pressure of 0.5
, the exchange must made then independently of the maintenance
interval. If necessary, repalce the calibration gas mixture. See chapter 5.3.4 and 7.3.3.
Check input pressures. If pressure is not between 0.15 MPa (g) and MAX, correct the pressure.
Check the flow. Ball in the rotameter is in the area between the lower and upper marks. If not, re-adjust
the flow. If not possible with a valid input pressure, change the gas inlet filter,
See capter 9.2.
Recommendation: Record the performance of the work and results to the points 1-9
To clean the Q2, ideally use a damp cloth. Normally a mild detergent solution or a
mild glass cleaner can be used, as for household purposes
For cleaning, only use tools that will not accumulate static charge and generate
sparks. It is forbidden to pour or spray water or detergent into the breather!
Do not use a Pressure Washer or something like this!