Structure of GasLab Q2
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G a s Q u a l i t y A n a l y z e r
GasLab Q2
Structure of GasLab Q2
The entire Q2 measurement system is completely integrated in a two-part aluminum housing.
Both housing parts are connected mechanically by screws and electrically by a cable bushing.
From a functional perspective, the hardware can be divided into three areas; the instrumentation
area (highlighted yellow in the following overview), the connection area (highlighted orange) and
the user operating interface highlighted in green (HMI).
Figure 4.1: Overview of functional areas
connection area
forms the interface to external connection ports, such as gas management
and electrical access.
instrumentation area
includes the fixed structure with functional modules. It provides Elster
staff access for production and service issues.
human machine interface
is the operating interface for the user.
This areas are explained in more detail in the following sections.