18.3.8 PRS CLK Input
The USART can be configured to receive clock directly from a PRS channel by setting CLKPRS in USARTn_INPUT. The PRS channel
used is selected using CLKPRSSEL in USARTn_INPUT. This is useful in synchronous slave mode and can together with RX PRS input
be used to input data from PRS.
18.3.9 DMA Support
The USART has full DMA support. The DMA controller can write to the transmit buffer using the registers USARTn_TXDATA,
USARTn_TXDATAX, USARTn_TXDOUBLE and USARTn_TXDOUBLEX, and it can read from the receive buffer using the registers
USARTn_RXDATA, USARTn_RXDATAX, USARTn_RXDOUBLE and USARTn_RXDOUBLEX. This enables single byte transfers, 9 bit
data + control/status bits, double byte and double byte + control/status transfers both to and from the USART.
A request for the DMA controller to read from the USART receive buffer can come from the following source:
• Data available in the receive buffer
• Data available in the receive buffer and data is for the RIGHT I2S channel. Only used in I2S mode.
A write request can come from one of the following sources:
• Transmit buffer and shift register empty. No data to send.
• Transmit buffer has room for more data. This does not check the TXBIL for half full. For DMA use, it is either full or empty.
• Transmit buffer has room for RIGHT I2S data. Only used in I2S mode
Even though there are two sources for write requests to the DMA, only one should be used at a time, since the requests from both
sources are cleared even though only one of the requests are used.
In some cases, it may be sensible to temporarily stop DMA access to the USART when an error such as a framing error has occurred.
This is enabled by setting ERRSDMA in USARTn_CTRL.
Note: For Synchronous mode full duplex operation, if both receive buffer and transmit buffer are served by DMA, to make sure receive
buffer is not overflowed the settings below should be followed.
• The DMA channel that serves receive buffer should have higher priority than the DMA channel that serves transmit buffer.
• TXBL should be used as write request for transmit buffer DMA channel.
• IGNORESREQ should be set for both DMA channel.
Reference Manual
USART - Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 1.1 | 553