the interrupt routine. So, for example, if a cached function is called from the interrupt routine, the instructions for that function will be
taken from the cache.
The cache content is not retained in EM2, EM3 and EM4. The cache is therefore invalidated regardless of the setting of AIDIS in
MSC_READCTRL when entering these energy modes. Applications that switch frequently between EM0 and EM2/3 and executes the
very same non-looping code almost every time will most likely benefit from putting this code in RAM. The interrupt vectors can also be
put in RAM to reduce current consumption even further.
7.3.12 Low Voltage Flash Read
The devices support low voltage flash reads. Because it takes a longer time to read from flash with a lower voltage supply
MSC_READCTRL.MODE should be programmed accordingly. It is recommended that software should follow certain sequences for
supply voltage scaling up and down. See the EMU chapter for details.
Flash write/erase is not supported in low voltage mode. Any write/erase command will be ignored if flash is operated in a low voltage
mode and the interrupt flag MSC_IF.LVEWRITE will be set.
7.3.13 Erase and Write Operations
Both page erase and write operations require that the address is written into the MSC_ADDRB register. For erase operations, the ad-
dress may be any within the page to be erased. Load the address by writing 1 to the LADDRIM bit in the MSC_WRITECMD register.
The LADDRIM bit only has to be written once when loading the first address. After each word is written the internal address register
ADDR will be incremented automatically by 4. The INVADDR bit of the MSC_STATUS register is set if the loaded address is outside the
flash and the LOCKED bit of the MSC_STATUS register is set if the page addressed is locked. Any attempts to command erase of or
write to the page are ignored if INVADDR or the LOCKED bits of the MSC_STATUS register are set. To abort an ongoing erase, set the
ERASEABORT bit in the MSC_WRITECMD register.
When a word is written to the MSC_WDATA register, the WDATAREADY bit of the MSC_STATUS register is cleared. When this status
bit is set, software or DMA may write the next word.
A single word write is commanded by setting the WRITEONCE bit of the MSC_WRITECMD register. The operation is complete when
the BUSY bit of the MSC_STATUS register is cleared and control of the flash is handed back to the AHB interface, allowing application
code to resume execution.
For a DMA write the software must write the first word to the MSC_WDATA register and then set the WRITETRIG bit of the
MSC_WRITECMD register. DMA triggers when the WDATAREADY bit of the MSC_STATUS register is set.
It is possible to write words twice between each erase by keeping at 1 the bits that are not to be changed. Let us take as an example
writing two 16 bit values, 0xAAAA and 0x5555. To safely write them in the same flash word this method can be used:
• Write 0xFFFFAAAA (word in flash becomes 0xFFFFAAAA)
• Write 0x5555FFFF (word in flash becomes 0x5555AAAA)
Note that there is a maximum of two writes to the same word between each erase due to a physical limitation of the flash.
Flash write/erase is not supported in low voltage mode. Any write/erase command will be ignored if flash is operated in a low voltage
mode and the interrupt flag MSC_IF.LVEWRITE will be set.
During a write or erase, flash read accesses will be stalled, effectively halting code execution from flash. Code execution continues
upon write/erase completion. Code residing in RAM may be executed during a write/erase operation. Mass Erase
A mass erase can be initiated from software using ERASEMAIN0 MSC_WRITECMD. This command will start a mass erase of the en-
tire flash. Prior to initiating a mass erase, MSC_MASSLOCK must be unlocked by writing 0x631A to it. After a mass erase has been
started, this register can be locked again to prevent runaway code from accidentally triggering a mass erase.
The regular flash page lock bits will not prevent a mass erase. To prevent software from initiating mass erases, use the mass erase lock
bits in the mass erase lock word (MLW).
Reference Manual
MSC - Memory System Controller
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 1.1 | 133