Upgrading Office PhoneMail from One to Two Languages
Expanding Your System
April 15, 1998
Hicom Office PhoneMail, Version 1, Installation and System Administration Guide
Fax overflow storage providing for temporary mailbox storage of incoming fax documents
received while the fax machine is busy
Upgrading Office PhoneMail from One to Two Languages
The standard Office PhoneMail unit has one language installed; you can upgrade your system
to support two languages by purchasing an optional language expansion card. If you install two
languages on your system, callers who reach your company will be able to choose the lan-
guage in which they wish to hear menus and system prompts.
Adding a second language to Office PhoneMail (to either the standard or the upgraded system)
reduces message-storage capacity by approximately 12 minutes.
The installation or removal of language cards is subject to the following rules:
Languages can be added to an Office PhoneMail base unit at any time without requiring a
re-initialization of the system.
Up to two languages can be installed on a system.
Language cards are re-usable across multiple systems.
When a language card is installed and the system powered up, the system will automati-
cally check its available memory space before the language loading process begins. If
there is sufficient space available, language loading will begin automatically. If there is in-
sufficient space available, the LED indicator will begin to blink in Cadence 4 (defined in Ap-
pendix E, “Status Indicator Cadences”). This cadence indicates an out-of-memory condi-
tion, and the load will abort.
The optional port upgrade card looks very much like a standard PCMCIA card — but
it does not conform electrically to PCMCIA standards. Inserting Office PhoneMail
cards into PCMCIA connectors other than Office PhoneMail, or standard PCMCIA
cards into Office PhoneMail connectors may damage the cards or the system.
Note that you can also use the procedure below to reload a single language.
The optional language upgrade card looks very much like a standard PCMCIA card
— but it does not conform electrically to PCMCIA standards. Inserting Office Phone-
Mail cards into PCMCIA connectors other than Office PhoneMail, or standard PCM-
CIA cards into Office PhoneMail connectors may damage the cards or the system.