Measurement method
Use every single distance value
: Each scan of the surrounding contour is used individu‐
ally to draw the field.
Use median of distance values
: The median of the last 25 scans is used to draw the
Type of teach-in
Only allow reduction
: The shortest measured distance is used at each angle. If you
walk along the borders of the imaginary field and, e.g., hold a board or cardboard
into the laser beam, this restricts the surrounding contour.
Allow expansion
: The surrounding contour is used as it is measured.
Automatic reduction
You can specify that the proposed field is drawn smaller than the measured surround‐
ing contour so that the field will be at a distance from walls. The default value corre‐
sponds to the TZ value (tolerance zone of the safety laser scanner).
Smoothing by point reduction
The proposed contour may initially be uneven and consist of very many points. With the
Smoothing by point reduction
option, you can reduce the number of points and simplify the
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | outdoorScan3 – PROFINET
8027931/2022-10-24 | SICK
Subject to change without notice