Send Mode
: No data output
On request
: Data is output when there is an explicit request from a host computer
via TCP/IP using CoLa 2
On request and also continuously to a target computer (router settings made via “Network
: Data is output continuously via UDP to a defined target address and
also when there is an explicit request from a host computer via TCP/IP using
CoLa 2
Selection data content
Block "Device Status"
: Information on the status of the safety laser scanner (e.g.,
cut-off paths, errors)
Block "Configuration of Data Output"
: Information on the actual angle range used (due
to technical conditions, data may be output from a slightly larger angle range than
the set angle range)
Block "Measurement Data" *
: Distance data with reflector detection and RSSI
Block "Object detection" *
: Data on the beams in the fields of the active monitoring
case in which an object was detected
Block "Application Data"
: State of the inputs and outputs used in the monitoring
case table
Block "Local I/Os"
: State of the local inputs and outputs
Angular range
You define in which range measurement data and data on detections in fields are
Complementary information
For additional information on data output, see the technical information “microScan3,
outdoorScan3, nanoScan3: Data output via UDP and TCP/IP” (part number 8022706).
Transferring configuration
Hazard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected may not be recognized in case of
When transferring the configuration, the protective device’s existing configuration may
be overwritten.
Check the configuration carefully before transfer.
Make sure that the desired device is connected during transfer.
At first, the configuration only exists as a project, namely as a configuration file. The
configuration must be transmitted to the device.
At the left, you see the values configured in the project for the device. If the device is
connected, you see the values saved in the device at the right.
The compatibility of the configuration is checked during transfer.
8027931/2022-10-24 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | outdoorScan3 – PROFINET
Subject to change without notice