CoLa 2
CoLa 2 (Command Language 2) is a protocol from SICK, with
which a client (control, computer, etc.) can access suitable SICK
sensors via a network (TCP/IP) or USB.
Dangerous state
A dangerous state is a status of the machine or facility, where
people may be injured. Protective devices prevent this risk if the
machine is operated within its intended use.
The figures in this document always show the dangerous state of
the machine as movement of a machine part. In practice, there
are different dangerous states, such as:
Machine movements
Electrical parts
Visible and invisible beam
A combination of multiple hazards
Electro-sensitive protective
An electro-sensitive protective device is a device or system of
devices for safety-related detection of people or parts of the body.
It is used to protect people from machines and facilities that pose
a risk of injury. It triggers the machine or facility to adopt a safe
state before a person is exposed to a hazardous situation.
Examples: Safety light curtain, safety laser scanner.
Electro-sensitive protective device
Field set
A field set consists of one or more fields. The fields in a field set
are monitored simultaneously.
A field set can contain different field types, e.g., a protective field
and a warning field.
Hazardous area
Hazardous area is any space within and/or around machinery in
which a person can be exposed to a hazard. (ISO 12100)
Monitoring case
A monitoring case indicates the machine status to the sensor.
Generally, one field set is assigned to each monitoring case.
The sensor receives a defined signal for the current machine
status. When a signal change occurs, the sensor activates the
monitoring case and thereby the field set that is associated with
the new machine status.
OFF state
The OFF state is the status of the outputs of the protective device,
where the controlled machine is triggered to quit its dangerous
state and the start-up of the machine is prevented (e.g., the volt‐
age at the OSSDs is LOW, so that the machine is switched off and
remains still).
ON state
The ON state is the status of the outputs of the ESPE, where the
controlled machine is permitted to operate (e.g., the voltage at the
OSSDs is HIGH so that the machine can run).
Output signal switching device: signal output for the protective
device, which is used for stopping the dangerous movement.
An OSSD is a safety switching output. The functionality of each
OSSD is tested periodically. OSSDs are always connected in pairs
and must undergo dual-channel analysis for safety reasons. An
OSSD pair is formed from 2 OSSDs that are connected and ana‐
lyzed together.
Probability of dangerous failure per hour
Performance level (ISO 13849)
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | outdoorScan3 – PROFINET
8027931/2022-10-24 | SICK
Subject to change without notice