The thorough checks must be carried out by qualified safety personnel or specially
qualified and authorized personnel and must be documented in a traceable manner.
In many cases, other data must be documented,
Recommended thorough checks
In many cases, it makes sense to carry out the following thorough checks during
commissioning and in certain situations:
Thorough check of the relevant points on the checklist,
commissioning and commissioning", page 165
"Thorough visual check of the machine and the protective device", page 57
"Thorough check of the principal function of the protective device", page 56
"Thorough check of the area to be protected", page 56
Make sure that the operating personnel has been instructed in the protective
device’s function before starting work on the machine. The instruction is the
responsibility of the machine operator and must be carried out by qualified per‐
Planning the regular thorough check
The purpose of regular tests is to detect defects due to changes or external influences
(e.g. damage or manipulation) and to ensure that the protective measure provides the
necessary protection.
Important information
Hazard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
Persons and parts of the body to be protected may not be recognized in case of
Carry out tests at least once a year.
Assign qualified safety personnel to carry out the tests or persons specifically
authorized for this purpose.
Document tests in a traceable manner.
Minimum requirements
The following thorough checks must be carried out at least once a month:
"Checking the field of view", page 56
"Checking for secure mounting", page 56
The following thorough checks must be carried out at least once a year:
"Thorough check of the principal function of the protective device", page 56
Testing of the detection capability (resolution) in the context of the
check of the area to be protected", page 56
Recommendations for further thorough checks
In many cases, depending on the application conditions, the risk assessment of the
machine determines that further thorough checks are required or that some thorough
checks must take place more frequently.
In many cases, it makes sense to carry out the following thorough checks together
with the regular thorough check:
"Thorough visual check of the machine and the protective device", page 57
Test of the relevant points on the checklist,
see "Checklist for initial commissioning
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O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | outdoorScan3 – PROFINET
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