A multiple sampling of 2 is the minimum setting.
Increase the multiple sampling up to 16.
An object must be this many times.
Table 11: Recommended multiple sampling
Recommended multiple sampling
Indoor application: stationary or mobile haz‐
ardous area protection under clean ambient
Outdoor application: stationary or mobile haz‐
ardous area protection under dusty ambient
Multiple sampling after monitoring case switching
Hazard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
If combined with very short switchover times, higher multiple sampling after switching
between monitoring cases can result in a person or part of their body not being
Make sure that every monitoring case is active for at least the amount of time
required for detection by the safety laser scanner (setting for multiple sampling
after monitoring case switching multiplied by the configured scan cycle time
including the supplement due to interference protection).
When switching between monitoring cases, it is possible that a person may already be
in the newly activated protective field when switching takes place. In order to ensure
that the person is detected quickly and the dangerous state is brought to an end swiftly,
you can adjust the settings for multiple sampling immediately after switching between
monitoring cases – regardless of any other multiple sampling in place.
Fast (1 scan)
(default setting): Multiple sampling after monitoring case switching
= 1. An object needs to be scanned once before the safety laser scanner
responds. Fastest response and safest behavior of the safety laser scanner.
Robust (multiple sampling - 1)
: Multiple sampling after monitoring case switching n
= n – 1. Multiple sampling after switching between monitoring cases is one scan
fewer than any other multiple sampling in place. This reduces the possibility that
insects, weld sparks, or other particles cause the machine to be switched off.
This increases machine availability. The standard response time applies from the
outset in the new field.
User-defined (please consult manual)
: You can adjust the settings for multiple sampling
after monitoring case switching in line with your requirements on response time
and reliability. Regardless of the exact settings here, multiple sampling after
switching between monitoring cases is always at least one scan fewer than any
other multiple sampling in place: n
≤ n – 1
Multiple sampling after object detection
The set multiple sampling also applies by default if a field becomes free again after an
object detection. That means, when the field is free again, the free field is scanned the
same number of times until the safety outputs switch back to the ON state.
If you activate the
Activate different multiple sampling rate after object detection
option, you
can specify deviating values for the monitoring level or for individual fields. This may
cause the outputs to switch back to the ON state faster or slower after a field has
become free again.
8027931/2022-10-24 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | outdoorScan3 – PROFINET
Subject to change without notice