Mounting procedure
The following options for mounting the safety laser scanner are available:
mounting directly without a mounting kit
mounting using mounting kit 1
mounting using mounting kits 1 and 2
Mounting with mounting kit 3 (suitable for weather hood)
The mounting kits 1 and 2 are built upon one another. This means that for mounting
using mounting kit 2, you also need mounting kit 1.
Each mounting kit consists of a bracket, and the screws needed to mount the safety
laser scanner on the bracket.
Hazard due to lack of effectiveness of the protective device
Persons or parts of the body to be protected may not be recognized or not recognized in
time in case of non-observance.
You must take account of the minimum distances calculated for your machine,
Mount the safety laser scanner so that crawling beneath, climbing over and stand‐
ing behind the protective fields is impossible.
Figure 32: Prevent crawling beneath
Figure 33: Prevent stepping over
Read this section completely before mounting the safety laser scanner.
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O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | outdoorScan3 – PROFINET
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