In a mobile application, a resolution of 70 mm (leg detection) is sufficient for
detecting people. By contrast with stationary hazardous point protection, this is
also true for a low mounting height, as the safety laser scanner moves together
with the vehicle.
In the following calculation examples, only the vehicle speed is taken into account,
not the speed of a walking person. This is based on the assumption that the
person recognizes the danger and stands still.
The protective field must be designed so that it detects a person at a minimum
distance from the hazardous point. This distance is required to ensure that the vehicle
comes to a stop before it reaches a person or an object.
In mobile hazardous area protection, the minimum distance typically defines the pro‐
tective field length required. When calculating the protective field length, the impact of
turning must be considered separately.
If the calculated protective field length value is greater than the protective field range of
the device, the vehicle speed must be reduced. The protective field length must then be
recalculated based on the reduced speed.
If you define a number of monitoring cases with different protective fields, you must
calculate the protective field size separately for each protective field used.
Supplement Z
for reflection-based measurement errors
All devices: If there is a retroreflector in the vicinity of the protective device (distance
of the retroreflector from protective field ≤ 6 m), you must take the supplement Z
350 mm into account.
Supplement Z
for lack of ground clearance
This supplement is necessary, because, generally, a person is detected above the foot
and so the braking process cannot take account of the length of the foot in front of the
point of detection. A person’s foot could be injured if a vehicle has no ground clearance.
Figure 27: flat-rate supplement ZF for lack of ground clearance
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | outdoorScan3 – PROFINET
8027931/2022-10-24 | SICK
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