Operating Basics
User Manual 1335.9090.02 ─ 08
2. Disable the functions that you do not need.
3. Tap the functions that you need. You can select maximum 8 functions.
4. Close the dialog box.
Quick Access
If the measurement task requires to change the settings from different menus repeat-
edly, you can use the "QuickAccess". The "QuickAccess" is a user-defined menu,
which can be added to the toolbar.
To configure the "QuickAccess" menu:
1. Add the "QuickAccess" icon to the toolbar as described in
2. Add the required settings and functions to the "QuickAccess" menu:
a) Open the menu that contains the setting.
b) Drag the setting from the menu and drop it on the diagram.
The setting is added to the "QuickAccess".
Quick Access
Allice Messtechnik GmbH