Waveform Analysis
User Manual 1335.9090.02 ─ 08
To save the waveform history segments
1. Connect a USB flash drive to the instrument.
2. Press the [Save Load] key.
3. Select "Waveforms" in the menu.
4. Under "Points", select "History Data".
5. Under "Source", select whether you want to store all visible channels, or one of
6. Enter the "File Name". This name is the name of the folder that contains the seg-
ment files.
The file format is CSV.
7. To select the target folder, tap the "Destination" field.
The location is always "/USB_FRONT", saving to internal storage is not provided.
8. Tap "Save".
A message shows the progress of the saving process.
9. Close the dialog box.
To save the segment table
1. Connect a USB flash drive to the instrument.
2. In the segment table window, tap "Save".
3. To select the target folder, double-tap it.
4. Tap "New File".
5. Enter the filename.
6. Tap "Enter".
History and Segmented Memory (Option R&S
Allice Messtechnik GmbH