User Manual 1335.9090.02 ─ 08
Trigger Controls
The keys and the rotary knob in the Trigger functional block adjust the trigger and start
or stop acquisition.
The green LED above the [Levels] knob lights up when the instrument triggers.
Opens the "Trigger" menu.
Changes the analog trigger source. Press the key repeatedly until the required analog
source is selected. If a digital source or serial bus was selected in the "Trigger" menu,
or if the "Trigger Type" is set to "Pattern", the key opens the menu.
The key lights up in the color of the selected channel, and the selected source is
shown in the information bar.
Remote command:
[Auto Norm]
Toggles the trigger mode between "Auto" and "Norm". The key lights up in white if the
trigger mode is "Norm". The current mode is also shown in the information bar.
The instrument triggers repeatedly after a time interval if the trigger
conditions are not fulfilled. If a real trigger occurs, it takes prece-
dence. This mode helps to see the waveform even before the trigger
is set. The waveform on the screen is not synchronized, and succes-
sive waveforms are not triggered at the same point of the waveform.
The instrument acquires a waveform only if a trigger occurs, that is, if
all trigger conditions are fulfilled. If no trigger occurs, no waveform is
acquired and the last acquired waveform is displayed. If no waveform
was captured before, nothing is displayed.
Remote command:
The rotary knob changes the trigger level. Turn clockwise to move up the trigger level.
Pressing the knob sets the level to 50% of the signal amplitude.
Trigger Controls
Allice Messtechnik GmbH