User Manual 1335.9090.02 ─ 08
listed in the peak list. In addition, you can define a reference marker and get the peak
results as delta values to the values of the reference marker.
► To save the results, or to open the "Marker" menu directly, use the icons on the
right side of the peak list.
Figure 8-3: Spectrum with marked peaks and peak list. Spectrogram is off.
To set up the peak list and reference markers
1. Open the FFT menu.
2. Enable the "Peak List".
3. Tap "Marker".
4. Tap "Source".
Select the waveform type on which the peaks are searched.
5. Tap "Peak Setup".
6. Define the criteria for peak detection:
a) Set the "Min. Level". Magnitudes higher than this level are marked as peaks.
b) For a more detailed peak detection, enable the "Advanced Peak Setup".
Set the "Excursion", "Max. Width" and "Distance".
7. If necessary, set a reference marker:
a) Select the type of the "R-Marker".
b) If "R-Marker" = "Indicated", set the "Index".
c) If "R-Marker" ="Range", set the "Frequency" and "Span".
Spectrum Analysis and Spectrogram (Option R&S
Allice Messtechnik GmbH