User Manual 1335.9090.02 ─ 08
The spectrogram is shown in a separate window above the spectrum window. Typical
spectrogram parameters are shown directly in the spectrogram window, above the dia-
= Maximum level for color scale (setting)
= Display of color scale
= Minimum level for color scale (setting)
= Range (information)
5, 6, 7 = Positions of the time cursors in the spectrogram, and their time difference
Time cursors
When acquisition is stopped, you can set two time cursors in the spectrogram. Use the
time cursors to identify abnormalities in the spectrogram. The time and time difference
are displayed on top of the spectrogram window.
Figure 8-5: Spectrogram with time cursors
History and spectrum analysis
The history function allows you to browse the spectrums. You can display and analyze
not only the current frequency waveform but also older ones. You can also see and
analyze the time-based waveform on which the selected FFT was done. The displayed
spectrum is marked in the spectrogram by a white line with "Seg" label.
Using the history and segmented memory requires option R&S
1. Run an FFT.
2. Enable the spectrogram.
3. Activate the history.
Acquisition is stopped, and the time cursors and the segment cursor are visible. If
they are not visible, close all menus.
4. Select a segment:
● Use the history player to browse and select a segment, see
"Segment Table and History Player"
Spectrum Analysis and Spectrogram (Option R&S
Allice Messtechnik GmbH