User Manual 1335.9090.02 ─ 08
Remote command:
Set R-Marker to Center of Screen
Sets the reference marker to the center of the display.
Display Settings for Spectrum and Spectrogram
You can change the color scale of the spectrogram and of the spectrum, and the level
limits of the spectrogram.
1. Open the "FFT" menu.
2. Tap "Display".
Spectr. Color and Freq.Dom.Color
Selects a color scale. Each scale comprises a set of colors, where each color repre-
sents a certain level or frequency of occurrence.
If "Magnitude Mode" is on, "Spectr. Color" sets the color scale for the spectrogram and
for the spectrum. Both diagrams use the same color scale.
If "Magnitude Mode" is off, "Spectr. Color" sets the color for the spectrogram, and
"Freq.Dom.Color" sets the color for the spectrum separately.
You can set the range of the color scale with
The waveform is displayed in rainbow colors. Blue corresponds to the
low-level values while red indicates high ones.
"Temp. Color"
The waveform is displayed in the temperature colors. Blue corre-
sponds to the low-level values while white indicates high ones.
Spectrum Analysis and Spectrogram (Option R&S
Allice Messtechnik GmbH