Temperature measurement
The temperatures of surfaces and liquids can be measured
with the built-in temperature probe (-50 to +100 °C).
External transducers must be used for wider temperature
ranges (see page 60)
Please note that it can take some seconds until the
probe reaches the temperature of the surface. If neces-
sary, perform a second measurement.
The measurement stops when the temperature is stable
for N consecutive measurements. N is the number of
averages in the ‘Measurement’ setup. At least three
measurements must be performed. After 4xN measure-
ments, the measurement is stopped and the last mea-
sured value is accepted.
• Swing out the probe and select the temperature icon in
the main window.
• Press the probe onto the object to be measured.
• Click on the temperature icon. The measurement starts
automatically and only stops when the measured value
has stabilized.
measurement screen