Before the measurement:
If the internal vibration transducer is not selected in the
transducer setup, an error message appears (for external
transducer, see page 58). If a sensor fault or line fault
(short-circuit, open line) occurs, a corresponding error
message also appears.
After the measurement:
If the blue LED lights up after the measurement, the
measurement is valid and the result can be stored (p. 26).
If the selected limits are exceeded, either the green, yellow
or red LED lights up (details are given on page 53).
The red LED flashes if the signal overflows, underflows or
is instable. The measurement is invalid and must be
• Press the function key to move the cursor back into the
display field.
• Press the transducer against the measurement location.
• Click the joystick (ENTER) to start the measurement.
Results display for more than 2 overall values
Up to two overall values can be displayed at the same time
in the results screen. When measuring more than two
overall values*, you can display the hidden measurement
values by leafing up and down. The standard display can be
set in the VIBSCANNER setup (see page 20)**:
1. Press the function key to move the cursor into the
display field.
* RMS, 0-P, P-P value and Crest
factor for vibration displace-
ment, velocity and acceleration.
** If a limit is exceeded, the
characteristic overall values
concerned are always displayed.
2. By repeatedly pushing the joystick upwards, you can
display the following pairs of values:
• RMS / Crest
• RMS / Peak-Peak (see above)
• 0 - Peak / Peak - Peak
• RMS / 0 - Peak