Shock pulse measurement (bearing condition)
To measure high frequency shock pulse signals, use
either the internal vibration transducers, the TIPTEC-
TOR, the VIBCODE hand-held probe or industrial
transducers with a resonant frequency of 36kHz from
Mount the transducer at the location with the strongest
signal within the load zone. The signal path to the
measuring location should be direct and include only
one material transition. For measurement with the
internal transducer or the TIPTECTOR, the measure-
ment location should be prepared with the countersink
bit (VIB 8.610).
• Click on the shock pulse symbol in the main window:
• Enter the parameters required for normalization of the
measured values. The ‘Mode’ parameter can be set by
repeatedly pressing the joystick.
If you do not want to make normalized measurements,
set the ‘Mode’ parameter to ‘No normalization’.
The RPM and shaft diameter determine the initial
value (dBi). External influences on the signal are taken
into account in the adapted value, dBa. Both factors
result in the adapted initial value, dBia:
dBia = dBi(RPM; Ø) + dBa
The normalized shock pulse value (dBn) is given by:
dBn = dBsv - dBia ;
dBsv: measured value