To create a new user account:
Main Menu
Additional Info and Management >> User Management >>
Create New User
Highlight each field and type in the appropriate information:
User name
(Maximum 31 characters. Use letters,
numbers, and underscore. No spaces.)
(Optional. Maximum 31 characters.
Use letters, numbers, and underscore.)
Display name
User’s email address
3. Highlight
and press the space bar to toggle though the options.
4. Press
to save the user.
CLU notation used in this guide
The CLU command descriptions in this chapter use abbreviated descriptions of CLU navigation. It
is assumed the user will understand that movement from one CLU menu item to another involves
using the arrow keys to highlight the given command then pressing enter to view another list of CLU
command selections or parameter options. For example, listed below are the steps used to create
a new user account. Notice that Step 1 lists the path of CLU menu items to get to the Create New
User menu, while Step 2 presents the various parameters to configure for the newly created user. It
is implied in Step 1 that the user knows to highlight the menu item and then press the Enter key to
move to the next menu item listed. This format is used throughout this chapter.
Example notation from Create New User menu item:
Step 1 tells the user to start in the Main Menu, then highlight “Additional Info and Management” and
press Enter; this brings up a new list of CLU menu items from which to choose “User Management”
and then press Enter again bringing up another list of CLU menu items, and so on.
Managing with CLU
Vess A3340 Product Manual