Using the Configurator
Figure 166 shows that switch number 1 on node 3 is available for correlation.
Figure 166 Add correlations to a phone selector switch
13. Select switch number 1 for Node 3, and then click
14. Click
The switches are now correlated as follows:
Node 1 switch number 0 <--> Node 2 switch number 0
Node 1 switch number 1 <--> Node 3 switch number 0
Node 2 switch number 1 <--> Node 3 switch number 1
19.53 Suite Silence
You can configure a combination of system statuses, timers, input zones, and signal zones to
satisfy the requirements of Division B, Part of the National Building Code of Canada
2015 with respect to suite silence. The code allows the signals (speakers) in dwelling units in
zones other than the zone where the alarm occurred to be automatically silenced. However, it
specifies that the automatic signal silence can only occur after a certain amount of time. It also
specifies that the signals must resound immediately if there is a subsequent alarm anywhere
in the building, or if ten minutes elapse and the alarm has not been acknowledged.
For example, consider a 3 floor residential building with a speaker in each suite and a speaker
in each hallway. If an alarm occurs on floor 3, the following events occur.
1. All the speakers sound.
2. After 60 seconds, the speakers in the suites on floors 1 and 2 are silenced. The
speakers in the hallways on floors 1 and 2 continue to sound, and all the speakers on
floor 3 continue to sound.
3. After 10 minutes, if the alarm is not acknowledged, all the speakers sound again.
Excerpt from the National Building Code of Canada 2015 Division B, Part
(11) Audible signal devices within dwelling units that are wired on separate signal circuits need
not include a means for silencing as required by Sentence (7) provided the fire alarm system
includes a provision for automatic signal silence within dwelling units, where,
(a) the automatic signal silence cannot occur within the first 60 s. of operation or within
the zone of initiation,
(b) a subsequent alarm elsewhere in the building will reactuate the silenced audible
signal devices within dwelling units,