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bound with one ACL, which contains 127 ACEs. Plus the default
deny any rule, there are 128 ACEs. Here, if you enable on port
0/0/1 again, the system prompts the following error:
sw201(config-port-0/0/1)#ip access 1 in
% Set drv fail,maybe no resource or some error happen
You can use the configure cap-resource command to adjust
the hardware resources and increase the number of the
hardware resources of Port IP ACL. In this way, you can
continue to bind IP ACL on the port. But note that the system
hardware resources are fixed, so if you increase the number of
the hardware resources of Port IP ACL, the number of the
hardware resources on other objects are decreased, such as
VLAN IP ACL or EVC function. Therefore, be careful to use the
Applying IPv6 ACL fails.
By default, S4100 does not support IPv6 ACL. Apply IPv6 ACL
on the ;port and there is the following prompt error:
(config-port-0/0/0)#ipv6 access-group 7001 in
% Set drv fail,maybe no resource or some error happen
You need to modify the resource distribution in the privileged
mode by the following command:
SM4100-28FC-31#configure cap-resource
After increasing the number of Port IPV6 ACL IN resources by
the multiples of 2, save the configuration and restart the
system so that you can apply IPv6 ACL on the port.