Maipu Confidential & Proprietary Information
Possible Reasons
Judging Methods and Solutions
The number of the
member ports exceeds
the number of the ports
those can aggregate
One aggregation group can be added with 8 member ports. At
most eight member ports can aggregate successfully, that is,
the status is ATTACHED. You can modify the LAC priority of the
port to ensure that some ports aggregate successfully first.
switch(config)#port 0/0
switch(config-port-0/0)#lacp port-priority ?
<1-65535> LACP port priority[Default: 32768]
switch(config-port-0/0)#lacp port-priority 1 (the smaller the
priority value, the higher the priority)
The port attribute and
the root port attribute
are inconsistent.
When the attribute of the member port is inconsistent with the
attribute of the root port (or the port that aggregate
successfully), the aggregation cannot succeed. It is the most
likely that when the rate or duplex is different, the aggregation
cannot succeed. If the root port is the 1000M rate and the rate
of the other member port is 100M, the member port cannot
aggregate successfully and the status is DETACHED. You can
modify the port rate or select the port with the consistent rate
to add to one aggregation port.
Fault 3: The common ports cannot be added to one aggregation group.
Possible Reasons
Judging Methods and Solutions
The aggregation group
to which the port is
added does not exist.
When the port is added to one aggregation group, the prompt
information is as follows:
switch(config-port-0/0)#link-a 8 a
Link aggregation 8 is not created yet
The above information indicates that the link group is not
created. First create the link group and then add the port to the
link group.
The port is added to
the static aggregation
group in dynamic mode
or added to the
dynamic aggregation
group in static mode.
Use the show link-aggregation group command to view
whether the aggregation group is dynamic or static. For the
dynamic aggregation group, the port can only be added in
active or passive mode; for the static aggregation group, the
port can only be added in manual mode.
For example, the following linl-aggregation 8 is set up in
dynamic mode, the port must be added in active or passive
switch#show link-aggregation group 8
Link Aggregation 8
Mode: LACP Description:
Load balance method: src-mac
Number of ports in total: 0
Number of ports attached: 0
switch(config)#port 0/0
switch(config-port-0/0)#link-a 8 active
If the port is added in static mode, the following prompt
information is displayed:
switch(config-port-0/0)#link-a 8 manual
Port mode can not be manual in a lacp aggregation