Maipu Confidential & Proprietary Information
Bridge address 0001.7a4f.47b6 priority 32768
Region root address 0001.7a4f.47b6 priority 32768
Designated root address 0001.7a0a.4218 priority 4096
Designated brdige address 0001.7a4f.4556 priority 12288
root: 32769, rpc: 0, epc: 600000, hop: 20
Operational hello time 2, forward time 15, max age 25
Configured hello time 2, forward time 15, max age 20, max hops: 20
port 5/0 mac-address 0001.824f.47b6
role: Root, state: Forwarding, infoIs: Received, infoInternal: FALSE
portid: 32777, rpc: 0, epc: 400000, operPriority: 128, operPathCost:
cistRoot: 0001.7a0a.4218 priority 4096
regRoot: 0001.7a4f.47b6 priority 32768
desgBridge: 0001.7a4f.4556 priority 12288
hello-time: 2, message: 3, max-age: 25, fdelay: 15, hop:20
bpdus processed: 27947 sent, 300 received
MST Instance 04 vlans mapped: 4
Bridge ID address 0001.7a4f.47b6 priority 32772/32768
Designated root address 0001.7a4f.47b6 priority 32772
Designated brdige address 0001.7a4f.47b6 priority 32772
root: 0, rpc: 0, hop: 20
port 5/0 role: Master, state: Forwarding, infoIs: Aged, vlanref: 1
portid: 32769, rpc: 0, hop: 20, operPriority: 128, operPathCost: 200000
regRoot: 0001.7a4f.47b6 priority 32772
desgBridge: 0001.7a4f.47b6 priority 32772
mrecords processed: 5 sent, 0 received
Common MSTP Error Information
Error Information Checked from MSTP
and Reason
Information Reason
Information 1:
%Alert: Commands configured under
the mode would not take effect
immediatedly, you should active
them explicitly!
The information is prompted when inputting the
spanning-tree mst configuration command and
entering the mst-region configuration mode.
The configuration of each domain configuration
command (region-name, revision-level,
instance…vlan…) in the MST domain configuration
mode may cause the re-calculation of the spanning
tree instance. To avoid the un-necessary calculation
caused by the configuration, the commands do not
take effect at once after being input. They can take
effect only after the active configuration pending