8. Turn the new oil filter clockwise by hand until the oil filter fits tightly on the sealing surface
9. Tighten new oil filter by hand.
10. Check the oil level in the oil separator tank.
Cooling oil level too low.
➤ Top up the cooling oil.
11. Reconnect the negative battery terminal.
12. Close the enclosure.
Dispose of old cooling oil and any materials or parts contaminated with oil according to envi‐
ronment protection regulations.
Starting the machine and performing a test run:
1. Start the machine and run in IDLE until the operating temperature is reached.
2. Close the outlet valves.
3. Shut down the machine.
4. Wait until the machine has automatically vented.
Pressure gauge reads 0 bar!
5. Open the discharge valves.
6. Open the enclosure.
7. After approximately 5 minutes: Check the cooling oil level.
Cooling oil level too low.
➤ Top up the cooling oil again.
8. Visually inspect for leaks.
9. Close the enclosure.
10.4.5 Oil separator tank dirt trap maintenance
Material Cleaning cloth
Small screwdriver
Maintenance kit, control valve
Petroleum ether or spirit
Precondition The machine is shut down.
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge reads 0 bar.
Machine is cooled down.
All compressed air consumers are disconnected and the air outlet valves are open.
Negative cable to the batteries disconnected.
10 Maintenance
10.4 Compressor Maintenance
Operating Manual Portable Rotary Screw Compressor
No.: 9_9548 22 HCE