3 Mode of operation – Fuel quality requirements
HDG Compact 99 - 200 - Version 1 - en
HDG Bavaria GmbH 07/2008
This results in lower efficiency and thereby leads to greater wood
consumption. Increasing moisture in the fuel material also causes re-
duced efficiency, greater amounts of ash and smoke, as well as ma-
king it increasingly unfit for storage.
The maximum permissible water content of the wood chips for the
HDG Compact 99 - 200 is 30 % (M30).
For technical considerations, a representative thermal value is se-
lected depending on water content. For burning that is both econo-
mical and low on emissions, the thermal value should not be less
than 3 kWh/kg.
The ash content for wood in category 2 is higher than that of cate-
gory A1 due to the higher proportion of bark, needles and leaves.
The maximum permissible ash content of wood chips for the HDG
Compact 99 - 200 is 1.5 % by weight (A1.5).
Wood pellets are pressed into a cylindrical shape. They consist of un-
treated shavings and sawdust from the wood processing industry as
well as unprocessed forestry waste. They have a standardised dia-
meter and length. They are pressed at a very high pressure and have
a very low water content. The energy contained in 2 kg of pellets cor-
responds approximately to the energy contained in a litre of heating
In accordance with DIN EN 14961-2, the fuel specifications for wood
pellets are separated into categories A1 and A2. The diameter of the
employed pellets must be in accordance with D06.
The diameter of the pellets must be 6 mm +/- 1 mm. The length of
the pellets must measure between 31.5 mm and 40 mm. A maximum
of 1% by weight of the pellets may be longer than 45 mm. The water
content must be less than 10% (M10), the ash content must be less
than 0.7% by weight (A0.7).
Water content
Thermal value
Relative wood
Combustion tem-
10.0 %
11.1 %
3.9 kWh/kg
113 %
1150 °C
20.0 %
25.0 %
3.4 kWh/kg
130 %
1100 °C
26.0 %
35.0 %
3.1 kWh/kg
151 %
1070 °C
30.0 %
42.9 %
2.9 kWh/kg
171 %
1040 °C
Table 3/3 - Thermal value depending on water content
With regard to the quality standards for wood pellets, DIN EN
14961-2 "Solid biofuels - fuel specifications and classes - wood pel-
lets for non-industrial use" applies.