Figure 5-38: Deadband settings with .db suffix
GOOSE, buffered report, and unbuffered report messages are for the most part transmitted only when there is a value
change in one or more of their members. Most analog values continuously dither by an amount that is not significant.
Were a report to be sent each time an insignificant analog value change occurred, then the communications network
floods with GOOSE and report messages, degrading response time for all users.
To control this, a deadband setting is provided for each analog value. Also, in addition to the present actual value of each
analog ("instMag" in the following figure), there is a deadbanded value ("mag" in the figure), which is updated with the
present value only when the difference between the two exceeds the deadband setting (db in the figure). Changes to this
deadbanded value trigger transmissions when included in GOOSE and report data sets.
Figure 5-39: Deadband settings
Deadband settings are entered in UR Setup software in units of percent of the difference between the "max." and "min." of
the associated analog value. A zero deadband setting suppresses transmission triggering. The range of deadband settings
is 0.000 to 100.000% in steps of 0.001. The default value is 0.000%.
GGIO4 elements have individual settings for "min." and "max." The min. and max. for FlxEIGAPC#.OpSig.db (FLEXELEMENT #
OpSig) are -50 pu and +50 pu respectively. The min. value for all other quantities is 0. The max. values are as follows:
Phase current — 46 x phase CT primary setting
Neutral current — 46 x ground CT primary setting
Ground current (sensitive ground CT) — 4.6 x sensitive ground CT primary setting
Phase, phase-to-phase, and sequence voltage — 275 x phase VT ratio setting
Auxiliary voltage — 275 x auxiliary VT ration setting
Power (real, reactive, apparent, 3-phase, and 1-phase) — 4 × phase CT primary setting × 1.5 × VT Secondary setting ×
VT ratio setting