Range: 0 to 255 ASCII characters
Default: Location
The value entered sets the value of the data attribute <LDName>/LPHD1.PhyNam.location. This data attribute is
provided by the protocol to allow the user to declare where the equipment is installed.
Range: -90.000 to 90.000 degrees in steps of 0.001 degree
Default: 0.000 deg
The value entered sets the value of the data attribute <LDName>/LPHD1.PhyNam.latitude. This data attribute is provided
by the protocol to declare the geographical position of the device in WGS84 coordinates -latitude. Negative values
indicate a southern latitude. WGS refers to the world geodetic system, which is used in global positioning systems (GPS),
and 84 is the current version of the standard.
Range: -180.000 to 180.000 degrees in steps of 0.001 degree
Default: 0.000 deg
The value entered sets the value of the data attribute <LDName>/LPHD1.PhyNam.longitude. This data attribute is
provided by the protocol to declare the geographical position of the device in WGS84 coordinates -longitude. Negative
values indicate a western longitude.
Range: 0 to 10,0000 m in steps of 1 m
Default: 0 m
The value entered sets the value of the data attribute <LDName>/LPHD1.PhyNam.altitude. This data attribute is provided
by the protocol to declare the geographical position of the device in WGS84 coordinates - altitude.
Prefix for GGIO1
Range: 0 to 11 VisibleString characters
This setting sets the LN Prefix of the FlexLogic operand interface logical node GGIO1 that is described in the GGIO1
section later. Valid characters are upper and lowercase letters, digits, and the underscore (_) character. The first
character must be a letter. UR Setup software does not allow entry of a prefix that duplicates any other GGIO1 prefix
that is used by the product, such as ConIn and ConOut.
Prefix for GGIO2
Range: 0 to 11 VisibleString characters
This setting sets the LN Prefix of the Virtual Inputs Interface logical node GGIO2 that is described in the GGIO2 section
later. Valid characters are upper and lowercase letters, digits, and the underscore (_) character. The first character must
be a letter. UR Setup software does not allow entry of a prefix that duplicates any other GGIO2 prefix that is used by the
Prefix for GGIO4
Range: 0 to 11 VisibleString characters
This setting sets the LN Prefix of the FlexAnalog operand interface logical node GGIO4 that is described in the GGIO4
section later. Valid characters are upper and lowercase letters, digits, and the underscore (_) character. The first
character must be a letter. UR Setup software does not allow entry of a prefix that duplicates any other GGIO4 prefix
that is used by the product.
Range: status-only, direct-with-normal-security, sbo-with-normal-security
Default: sbo-with-normal-security
This setting specifies the control service that clients must use to control the TEST MODE FUNCTION of the L90. An "on"
control to <LDName>/LLN0.Mod changes TEST MODE FUNCTION to Disabled, an "on-blocked" control changes it to
Forcible, and a "test/blocked" changes it to Isolated.