The first row in the figure shows that Contact Output 1 operation is being monitored. Its Modbus address is CAFA. The
actual value read from the device is 0, which means that it is off.
The second row in the figure shows the Contact Output 1 Name. It has a Modbus address of CAF0 and a default value of
"Cont Op 1." None of
column settings render this value because they present the information based on
numbering systems.
Figure 11-2: Modbus Analyzer used to monitor actual values on a UR
Address (HEX)
— Modbus address in hexadecimal. See the Modbus memory map in the UR Family Communications Guide
or in the web interface (enter IP address of UR device in a web browser).
Modbus Type
Actual Value — To read the data in the UR device
Setting — To read a setting in the UR device
Coil — To read a command in the UR device
# of
— Element, input, or output to read. An example is 1 for Contact Output 1.
(examples demonstrate various ways to represent 0)
Hex — A decimal numbering system based on 16 possible values, from 0 to 9 and A to F. An example is 0x0000.
Char — A single unicode character, such as C. An example is 0.
Int — A 32-bit number, either positive or negative. An example is 0.
UInt — Unsigned 32-bit integer, which means that it cannot be negative but can be twice as large as a signed integer. An
example is 0.
Long — A 64-bit number, either positive or negative. An example is 0.
ULong — Unsigned 64-bit number, which means that it cannot be negative but can be twice as large as a signed 64-bit
number. An example is 0.
Float — A numbering system with no fixed number of digits before or after the decimal point. An example is 0.000000.
Binary — A numbering system using 0 and 1. An example is 0000-0000-0000-0000.
Entries are not saved when closing the window.