Test result:
ARGUS displays the set mode (in this
example ARGUS Loop) and the
calculated PESQ value according to ITU-T
P.862 as well as the POTS MOS
(LQO = Listening Quality Objective)
according to ITU-T P.800.1.
The PESQ quality scale ranges from +4.5
(excellent) to -0.5 (bad).
These values may be assess analogously
to the MOS values (see page 150).
ARGUS saves the result in memory under
the first free record number; you can enter
a record name of your choice (default:
New result) using the number keys.
21.4 PESQ test on an POTS access
ARGUS in main menu (POTS must be
selected as the access).
ARGUS dials the number entered under
"Number POTS" in the PESQ parameters.
The test result is displayed as described
for the PESQ test on the ISDN interface.
Observe the information under
(s. chapter. 21.3 PESQ test on
an ISDN access page 288).
Save result?
Single tests
PESQ test
Select the PESQ server
with the PESQ server
POTS PESQ test running