Functional Description TX_UNDERFLOW
The event TX_underflow is activated when channel is enabled and if the transmitter register or FIFO (if
use of buffer is enabled) is empty (not updated with new data) when an external master device starts a
data transfer with McSPI (transmit and receive).
When the FIFO is enabled, the data read while the underflow flag is set will not be the last word written to
the FIFO.
The TX_underflow indicates an error (data loss) in slave mode.
To avoid having TX_underflow event at the beginning of a transmission, the event TX_underflow is not
activated when no data has been loaded into the transmitter register since channel has been enabled.
TX_underflow interrupt status bit must be cleared for interrupt line de-assertion (if event enable as
interrupt source). RX_FULL
The event RX_FULL is activated when channel is enabled and receiver becomes filled (transient event).
When FIFO buffer is enabled (MCSPI_CH(I)CONF[FFER] set to 1), the RX_FULL is asserted as soon as
there is a number of bytes holds in buffer to read defined by MCSPI_XFERLEVEL[AFL].
Receiver register must be read to remove source of interrupt and RX_full interrupt status bit must be
cleared for interrupt line de-assertion (if event enable as interrupt source).
When FIFO is enabled, no new RX_FULL event will be asserted unless the host has performed the
number of reads from the receive register defined by MCSPI_XFERLEVEL[AFL]. It is the responsibility of
Local Host to perform the right number of reads. RX_OVERFLOW
The RX0_OVERFLOW event is activated in slave mode in either transmit-and-receive or receive-only
mode, when a channel is enabled and the SPI_RXn register or FIFO is full when a new SPI word is
received. The SPI_RXn register is always overwritten with the new SPI word. If the FIFO is enabled, data
within the FIFO is overwritten, it must be considered as corrupted. The RX0_OVERFLOW event should
not appear in slave mode using the FIFO.
The RX0_OVERFLOW indicates an error (data loss) in slave mode.
The SPI_IRQSTATUS[3] RX0_OVERFLOW interrupt status bit must be cleared for interrupt line
deassertion (if the event is enabled as the interrupt source). End of Word Count
The event end of word (EOW) count is activated when channel is enabled and configured to use the built-
in FIFO. This interrupt is raised when the controller had performed the number of transfer defined in
MCSPI_XFERLEVEL[WCNT] register. If the value was programmed to 0000h, the counter is not enabled
and this interrupt is not generated.
The EOW count interrupt also indicates that the SPI transfer has halted on the channel using the FIFO
The EOW interrupt status bit must be cleared for interrupt line de-assertion (if event enable as interrupt
source). Slave Transmit-and-Receive Mode
The slave transmit and receive mode is programmable (TRM bit cleared to 0 in the register
After the channel is enabled, transmission and reception proceeds with interrupt and DMA request events.
In slave transmit and receive mode, transmitter register should be loaded before McSPI is selected by an
external SPI master device.
Multichannel Serial Port Interface (McSPI)
SPRUH73H – October 2011 – Revised April 2013
Copyright © 2011–2013, Texas Instruments Incorporated